March Consulting Associates Inc. > Leading at the Forefront: Helping clients achieve their ESG goals

    There has been a lot of attention on Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) recently.  In simplest terms, ESG is a framework within which organizations are starting to assess and measure the impact of their existence, almost like corporate performance management.  Most potash producers and global mining companies have released their ESG and sustainability plans and metrics.  So how can March Consulting Associates Inc. (‘March’) help you realize your ESG goals?


    During the past few years, climate change and the environmental footprint of a mining operation has received more attention that any other metric.  Clean energy technologies like co-generation & nuclear, and green energy technologies like wind & solar are currently being considered as decarbonization options by most mining producers to reduce their environmental footprint.  Specifically for potash production, given that power and heat requirements of each Potash operation are unique, one solution will not fit all of them.  March has the capability to assess the unique requirements of each mining and process operation and provide an assessment of relevant technologies.  An example of a similar study can be found here:


    The recent pandemic has brought to forefront the social impact of all corporations. Specifically, in the ESG context, the type of the support provided by mining companies to their own teams, consultants, contractors and communities is being constantly reviewed.

    March is a Saskatchewan based employee and indigenous owned organization. March is pleased to work with local and global mining operations to ensure tangible benefits for local and indigenous communities are realized in all our projects.  Depending on the scope and geographical location of the project, we collaborate with other indigenous groups to ensure local community engagement and procurement is realized in all our projects.


    The diverse nature of cultures, perspectives, gender and backgrounds of our team are our greatest strength. We firmly believe in good governance practices, which is reflected in our gender balanced and diverse board and management structure.  Our action-based approach to best practices in governance has served us well, and we are always pleased to share these strategies with our clients.

    In summary, as organizations start to make ESG a priority, our team can assess the current state of your organization, map the ESG impact of your strategic plan, and can help to determine key priorities, goals and metrics to monitor corporate performance.

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