When creating designs to integrate seamlessly into existing spaces, it is imperative to have accurate, up-to-date information on existing equipment, piping, structures, electrical cable trays, etc. Although 3D CADD models are an essential tool (and nowadays are available at the onset of many projects), there may be inaccuracies in the models and missing information, hence not reflecting as-built/existing conditions. Using an up-to-date 3D scan to reference during the design phase can reduce the time required to create the design and increase the design accuracy. 3D scans can be created with point cloud data captured by 3D laser scanners or by utilizing an array of digital photographs. The scan data or photogrammetric data is imported into software such as AutoDesk ReCap, which allows it to be indexed, organized, and saved in a format that can be read by other software programs.
Applications such as AutoDesk ReCap and Navisworks can read the resulting 3D scan file in conjunction with a 3D CADD model created in a program such as AutoDesk Plant 3D or Bentley OpenBuildings Designer. The 3D scan provides a realistic context for the 3D model. The 3D scan and 3D model can be superimposed, rotated and viewed together from any angle, which allows the designer to observe interferences and find the best possible placement for new equipment and other additions. Measurements can also be taken from the 3D scan, increasing the design accuracy for connecting to existing equipment and structures and avoiding costly interferences during the project’s construction phase.

March has extensive experience with utilizing 3D scans and creating accurate 3D models. When designing for an existing environment, March can use the latest 3D scan and 3D modelling technology to save you time and money by reducing the number of site visits, required site measurements, and rework due to inaccurate or missing information. Contact us to learn more!
Contributing Author: Carey Carriere
Senior Mechanical Designer